It’s time. It’s time to shed so many things, to stop wallowing in the churn. And to say yes, to welcome the arrival of peace.
When the leaves change, a feeling so urgent appears, needing to feed another cycle of shedding. Revealing what is true under the temporary cloak of green growth. Did you know that the true color of these maple leaves is red? Chlorophyll hides the red. Hides it with growth. And when the growth is complete, the mask comes off.
So much has died this year for me ... in me. Dreams. Commitment. Love.
And yet... they were destined to perish in their old form, frail and unsustainable as they were. The old forms of my dreams did not serve me nor the people they involved.
I took a long time grieving, moving through cycles of anger, release, sadness, peace and back all over again. It is a sacred practice. It cannot be rushed, but the process, too, also will die. Letting go the identity of “grieving human” is a harder task than I imagined, because healing from a relational wound means you are losing your tether to that which used to hold you close. The tether to the person who used to hold me close. And when that tether is ready to go, it is brave work to release.
To allow ourselves to be forever transformed… this is how grief is able to pass. Then, our deeper self can emerge once again.
As these maple leaves unmask from green to incendiary red, I too am ready to burst into a flame of acceptance and authenticity…. and into PEACE.
Another layer shed, another moon, another tendril of love beginning in my dreaming heart. ❤️🩹❤️ As I draw in those who are ready to be real and present with me, I invite this question to be in my heart:
What if, instead of saying yes to the relationship, I’m saying yes to being changed by the event that is intimacy?
Sending love to those dear to me ... and to those I am ready to forgive.